Let’s Do This.

I started my first blog, Sconnie Sustenance, because at 26 I was just beginning to really cook at home beyond boiling pasta and nuking chicken patties. I was never, and still am not, a person with terribly sophisticated tastes so the meals I made were humble and easy: cheeseburger casserole, veggie mac and cheese, a curry here and there. It lasted maybe a year before I got bored with it. I enjoy cooking sometimes, but not enough to write about it every week.

My second blog, Sconnie Molly Reads, was meant to be a book review site and it seemed like the perfect fit – what do I love, on this earth, more than books? It died even faster than Sconnie Sustenance though, sadly, and I’m still trying to figure out why I lost interest. I read enough to theoretically be able to post a review once or twice a week, but I can encapsulate my thoughts on most of the books I read into a couple paragraphs at most; not really audience-worthy material, at that.

So here we are on round three. I have higher hopes that this one will stick because I’m not limiting myself to any particular subject. I like to cook and I love to read, but those are only two things about me. I am currently experiencing infertility, and that’s what got me my first published article, but so help me God I’d hate to center a whole blog around it. There are plennnnty of those crawling around the interwebs – and also a hell of a lot of cooking blogs and book review blogs. So I’m gonna write about all three of those things, but there will surely be much more randomness: politics, my cat, depression, feminism, adulting, TV, travel, friendship, Madison, my weird life, whatever I damn well please. I’ll also definitely be talking about any of my future publications here because, you know, #selfpromotion. Thanks for coming aboard 🙂

my favorite gif of all time. I might make it my email signature.